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Product Information
Plan No. 189
Eligibility Criteria
Min. Max.
Age 30 85
Sum 10,0000 No limit
Premium Modes Single
Single Premium: Rs 100000 Plus taxation
Age is consider 30 years
Pension Mode A B C D E F G H I J
Yearly Mode 7190 7190 7180 7160 7150 6890 5250 7080 6970 6860
* Pension trends in option G
Pension Yearly
Pension Mode 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20
Yearly Mode 5250 5408 5565 5723 588 6668 7455 8243
- Pension will start after the completion of the pension mode opted.
For example: If the pension mode is Half Yearly then the pension will start after the end of six months from the date of purchase of the policy.
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