- LIC’s Bachat Plus plan offers the Life cover, Savings & Single or Limited Premium
- This plan offers Sum Assured at regular intervals depending on the term of the policy that customer choose
- This plan has an option of choosing the Accidental Life cover & Disability Benefit
- Death Benefit:
Single Premium
Option A
10 times of Tabular Premium for the chosen Basic Sum Assured
Option B
1.25 times of Tabular Premium for the chosen Basic SA
Limited Premium
Option 1
Higher of
· 10 times of (Tabular Premium for the chosen Basic SA” plus modal loading, if any); or
· Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity i.e Basic SA
Option 2
Higher of
· 7 times of (“Tabular Premium for the chosen Basic SA” plus modal loading, if any); or
· Guaranteed Sum Assured on Maturity i.e Basic SA
- LIC also offers the discount in the premium in case the mode of payment is Yearly and also in case of high sum assured
- The loan is also available to the policyholder after the completion of 1 year of the policy
- Settlement option available on Maturity and Death in Installments of 5,10 or 15 Years

Single Premium |
Limited Premium |
Minimum Age @Entry |
90 Days |
90 Days |
90 Days |
40 NBD |
Maximum Age @Entry |
44 NBD |
70 NBD |
60 NBD |
65 NBD |
Minimum Age @Maturity |
18 Years Completed |
Maximum Age @Maturity |
65 NBD |
80 NBD |
75 NBD |
80 NBD |
Policy Term Up to Age 40 years |
10 to 25 years |
From Age 41 to 44 years |
10 to 16 yrs |
10 to 25 yrs |
10 to 25 yrs |
Premium Paying Term |
Single |
5 years |
Basic Sum Assured |
1,00,000 |
1,00,000 |
Riders |
AD & DB Rider |
Term Assurance Rider |